
Book of Eli [Blu-ray]
Book of Eli [Blu-ray]

 Denzel does it again but this time with a brilliant biblical story of Eli. The story revolves around Eli, a nomad in a post-apocalyptic world, who is charged with delivering his copy of a book, the last remaining Bible (a King James Version translation) to a safe location on the West Coast of the United States.

The history of the post-war world is explained along the way as is the importance of Eli's task.   On his mission to deliver the book the Eli is headed west, but on the way, he passes devastation and squalor, and occasionally he must mete out some devastation of his own with a sharp blade.

But when he arrives in what passes for a town in this dust-and-ash future, the power-hungry owner of the town's bar, Carnegie (Gary Oldman, looking a million years old), covets his one important possession. (Spoiler alert, sort of: it becomes apparent pretty quickly that it's a King James Bible.) Conflict ensues! Though the plot is simple and the 
Date Added: 27 Jul 2010 14:49:04

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