
Iolite IEV-009 Black Portable Vaporizer
Iolite IEV-009 Black Portable Vaporizer 

Is smoking one of your number one bad habits that you can’t get read of? You tried almost everything but no luck, then it’s time you try Iolite IEV-009 Black Portable Vaporizer: A vaporizer is a device used to extract the active ingredients from plant material without the use of combustion e.g. smoking and can be used with variety of herbal blends (Aromatherapy or phyto-inhalation). Rather than using a flame to burn herbs, which produces irritating, toxic and carcinogenic byproducts, both for the user and those in close proximity, a vaporizer heats the material in such a way that the active compounds contained in the plant are extracted into a vapor. Vaporizers result in no combustion, eliminating virtually all of the harmful combustion byproducts normally present in smoke (Tar, Carbon Monoxide, etc.).    

The creation of Vaporizer was created with the environment IN mind and mostly you the smoker and the people around you “secondhand smoke”. The iolite line of portable vaporizers is the revolutionary solution for smokers and personal aromatherapy practitioners in public and confined spaces. The iolite is handheld and does not use combustion, but instead vaporization powered by clean butane gas. This allows for an untethered, smoke-free experience free of the heat of combustion and the toxins related to burning, such as tar, ash, CO2, carbon monoxide. Iolite units are made of FDA approved materials, come in a wide range of colors and carry a two-year limited warranty.    

Just place it in your pocket, bag, or glove compartment and when you are ready, flick the switch, hit the Piezo igniter and you are ready for to experience the new portable revolution in vaporization that promises pure smokeless freedom for tobacco users, aromatherapy aficionados and those that surround them on a daily basis.
Date Added: 27 Jul 2010 12:52:28

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