
The Proposal
The Proposal 

How far would you go to stay in a certain country after your Visa expires? Or what will you do to get your first book published; keep in mind that all your hard work of writing the book. Well to some people calling it quits and starting from scratch may be the answer to their problems but not to the couple in the Proposals. 

The storyline of this romantic comedy is based on Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock) is the executive editor in chief of a book publishing company, Ruick & Hunt Publishing. Her workers strongly dislike her for her bossy, pushy and cold demeanor. After learning she is being deported to Canada as her visa has expired, she forces her much abused assistant, Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds), to marry her. Andrew, reluctant at first, agrees to the deal after Margaret threatens him by saying that she'll not publish his book and all his hard work for past three years will be wasted. Both visit the Immigration Department, where they are introduced to the immigration officer, Mr. Gilbertson (Denis O'Hare). He informs them that the department suspects that the couple is committing a fraud in order to avoid Margaret's deportation after receiving tip off call from a former employee (Bob, Aasif Mandvi) whom Margaret fired earlier. 

With the situation like this one can only imagine how fun the movie is, the movie received good reviews Sandra Bullock and the affably charming Ryan Reynolds’s superb chemistry turn The Proposal from otherwise standard romantic-comedy fare to one that is entertaining and sure to garner laughs.    
Date Added: 27 Jul 2010 11:54:06

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