
Paparazzi maps to celebrity burglaries

Paparazzi maps to celebrity burglaries

A man found to be in possession of Orlando Bloom’s stolen Rolex pleaded no contest to the charges, reported the Associated Press last week. The 27-year-old man was also in possession of a firearm and cocaine and could face up to three years in prison. He has been linked to six other celebrity burglaries that were all the rage late last year.

According to the LA Times, a group of teenagers broke into the homes of Bloom, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and three other celebrities in October 2009 and have the paparazzi to thank. According to detectives on the case, the group of youngsters used celeb websites and paparazzi photos to track the schedules of the celebs and waited for them to be out of the house.

When stars were scheduled to be out of town or to be at a movie premier, the teens would make their move. Bloom’s Rolex was stolen in one such event. A well-known Hollywood attorney said that all the kids needed was a good star map and an up-to-date tabloid. In recent years, the paparazzi have become so extreme in their attempt to chronicle the lives of celebrities, that it provides an unwitting road map directly to the celebrities making it easy for anyone who wants to get close to them.

The paparazzi are creating a very real threats as are the stars themselves by posting there whereabouts on Facebook and Twitter while flaunting their possessions in magazines and on the red carpet. Four teenage girls (Rachel Lee, 19; Diana Tamayo, 19; Courtney Ames, 18; and Alexis Neiers, 18) have been arrested based on evidence linking them to the break-ins. No files have been charged as yet.

Date Added: 20 Mar 2010 19:32:11

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